How long do sugar daddy relationships last?

A Sugar Daddy relationship is like ice cream From the start, you know it’s about pleasure, and you have a single objective – to enjoy it while it lasts. Yet once a sugar arrangement has been melted, and all the benefits and toppings enjoyed, Keeping a sugar relationship sweet over an extended period of time can sometimes be a rocky road…

Many new sugar babies want to know how long does the average sugar relationship last?

how long do sugar relationship last?

The answer is that it depends on if sugar daddy find the right one or not. Many sugar relationship never make it past 3 to 4 dates, because of chemistry, flakiness or unrealistic demands.

Average length of a sugar relationship

We have interview thousands of sugar babies and sugar daddies, resluts show most sugar arranements last on average 3 to 6 months. Average ones probably last 2 to 4 months. Good ones last 6 or more months. Great ones will last multiple years.

It also depends on suar babies. Some sugar baby are more interested in building a lasting relationship and getting to know you, vs the "short-term" who are in it to make some money to pay off debts, pay for a semester of college or something like that.

After 6 months , things can get stale, both sugar daddies and sugar babies start taking each other for granted etc.

After several months, things can get stale, or even worse start taking each other for granted. My first one was like this. The longer we were together, the more she expected out of me, but was never willing to offer more in return.

I can't remember how many times I told her "if you even met me halfway, you'd see so much more out of me". I always felt like I was doing way more for her, then she was for me, but still she wanted more.

I've had really good sugar relationship that have lasted 3-4 months and would have probably lasted a lot longer, if they hadn't moved too far away. One of them had the potential to last several years, because we had a fantastic mental connection. She was so bright and interesting, and completely got me. Our conversations would last for hours.

I’ve had what I consider three sugar relationships. The first lasted four months, and ended because I got bored with a girl who was just not that bright. The next girl lasted over three years, off and on, and I know from my end that I was in love with her. Tough when you’re married! During one break-up period of four months, I spent a couple of months with a third girl, who turned out to be way too flaky for my tastes. One thing these girls all had in common — their own jobs and apartments, which made it easier to avoid hotels. From your blog, I’m gathering that non-exclusivity is common. I always believed it when I read “I want one and only one SD” on a girl’s profile page, that she meant it, but I guess it’s not that true.

Sugar daddy: I have sugaring relationship that lasted 5 years

Both sugar daddies and sugar babies may look for a long term sugar relationship and other looking for short term sugar relationship.

I've been in the sugar lifestyle on and off for the last 6 years. Being a married SD along with my work/travel commitments I like short arrangements. I'm not saying I get bored with the same SB but I prefer to have different sugar every 1-2 months, I make this clear from the beginning.
My longest relationship in the sugar bowl was almost three years, but recently my longest has been about eleven or twelve months. I actually prefer a longer relationship over a short term arrangement..
Long term is best for me. I don't mind short term, but I like to really establish a relationship and get to know each other. Plus I think to really learn true sexual chemistry with each other it takes a few months.
I had a sugar daddy sugar baby relationship that lasted five years. It started off flirtatious and ended with platonic friendship. I really enjoyed the friendship aspect of the relationship. It was a great feeling that I had security if I ever needed it and that we were friends. I feel upset that the friendship ended because I was raped by some men in an unfortunate circumstance. I feel very upset about what happened to me. I felt that I could have died and it really affected my family and I wanted to kill myself because of the shame and suffering that it caused. I want life to get better somehow. I want to meet a Sugar Daddy that can be my friend again.

Sugar baby: How long do sugar relationships usually last?

We have interviewed Kaeden, she shared with us about her surgar relationships.

Kaeden, how long sugar relationships last

I have around 30 to 50 “ sugaring relationships”. As for how long they last, some sugar baby relationships last months to years and some only end up happening one time. Most sugar daddies are international or traveling a lot so when they end up in my city, I’ll see them once or twice.

But I’ve also had ones that ended up lasting months, where they live in the area and just think I’m the most gorgeous person they’ve ever seen so they’ll pay me to just be around them. Looks are important to most. It makes them feel in a higher class if they’re with a “pretty” person.

Factors that determine how long a sugar relationship will last

  1. Few dates to few months. I find it hard to maintain a relationship/arrangement if there are no emotional connection, if it's purely lust.
  2. His wife found out, and we had to cut contact.
  3. Sugar Ddaddy: About half the time I break it off. The majority of the reason I break it off through is they stop showing up.
  4. My experience has been that when an arrangement is born out of chemistry and a natural, sincere affection for one another, the length of the relationship never becomes an issue.

How to find a perfect sugar daddy

If you want to become a successful sugar baby, you need to market yourself. Keep your standards high. Take your time. Find people that treat you well that you like. They’re there, you just have to spend more time looking.

If you want to find your perfect sugar daddy, you should not put your all eggs in one sugar daddy website. Almost all smart sugar babies put profiles at multiple sugar daddy websites. You may put your profile at major sugar daddy websites like SugarDaddyMeet.

2022 Best Website to Find a Generous Sugar Daddy

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Sugar Daddy meet is the best of the best sugar daddy website. It’s been online for over 15 years. It also has the biggest sugar daddy base among all major sugar dating sites.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies.

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